Sunday, December 5, 2010

Crazy Crazy Day

I decided to stay home today and WORK on the house. I have let the laundry pile up, The kids room look like a tornado, the kitchen sink get piled up, and toys all over the house. It was time to do something about it.

I got up this morning and started cleaning and cleaning. Once I started cleaning, I decided to move things and rooms around. I have done about 12 loads of laundry and actually have it all put up. (no i'm not done with the laundry) lol.. I moved andy in with his two big brothers so that sound be interesting for a few days.. I guess we will see how that goes.

Now in the empty nursery, I will be setting up....... Well can't tell ya yet. LOL,, I know I'm bad!! haha..

I have about 4 more days of cleaning like I did today and I will be on a roll, But for now, I guess I can still say the house is messy. :( but its getting there. It always seems to look worse before it looks better.

Just 9 more days til my birthday and I will be the big 28!! Seems like life is passing me right by.

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